Sunday, May 16, 2010

Flea Market Saturday

Headed to Roseville last Friday for the weekend and to celebrate Mother's Day and other things such as:

A Saturday visit to Denio's Flea Market with Mom & Meg aren't they the cutest!

I know better than to take a picture like this. The person taking the picture always has a double chin and what's up with my hair? OyVey! I'm trying to get over my vanity.

Hello there. This is by far the best thing I have ever seen at Denio's or any random Saturday for that matter, plus it made us smile and laugh a lot.
Fur pelts anyone? 
After a fine display of haggling, Meg finally scored her Army bag for $10...good try for $8 tho.
Me with my new find a "Samsonite fashionaire" travel bag (thanks Chloe) and a very large wine glass that would have made Bill roll his eyes for sure.
One of our favorite people to run into...Jana owner extraordinaire of  "Cottage Girls" one of the cutest little shops in Nor-Cal. A fantastic shop for any lover of all things collectible, funky or chic. She is also a pretty cool chic with mad display skills who also loves Marni and never seems to mind that I always want to copy her hair style.

Why am I always drawn to the dollar table?

Meg found this red vintage kitty collar for Baby Starr and she was happy to just sniff & chew on it.
This was her reaction when I put it on. Not unlike the time I put a T-shirt on her that said "My Mom is Hot"!


Always be prepared / Smell the roses

Learn from mistakes / Be a mentor

My favorite...Watch for potholes / Don't be helpless


  1. Ah! Love this post! You are all so cute. If one of these days I could just get my lazy butt out of bed!

  2. I KNOW...they have all the fun. It would have been worth it (getting up early) to see the look on the face of the "fox" owner as he watched them having fits over his junk (treasures). I'm laughing now as I think about how happy they were to find a fox proudly riding a bike. Triple snort! m. (please make me go next time)

  3. That was a super fun morning! I love when you bring your camera!Why should Chloe get out of bed, she knows she will get the best thing I find. The army bag has been washed, straps reconfigured, sewn on and voila, fashion bag-just in time for her shootout seminar.
