Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Home Sweet Apartment

Apartment # 42... a year in the making. I love when something inspires you to finish a project or accomplish a daunting task. So, I guess I need to thank Apartment Therapy for running their annual "small-cool spaces" contest or I never would have gotten anything on these walls. For me, these pictures represent a battle won. I was not defeated! Unfortunately for my back, I found it with only two days left until the deadline. So, I decided to just go for it, not because I have "Mad" decorating skills mind you, but because I'm just plain "Mad". You know, not right in the head, kookoo crazy, loose screw kind of thing. Anyway, it was fun and I do feel a huge sense of accomplishment for finishing something. These are some of the pictures I entered. Check out the contest and the amazing entries! It's really inspiring! Enjoy.

The Entryway. I finally got something on the walls after fighting them for a year. I really just gave up out of frustration because the walls are a very thin plaster that hold absolutely nothing. I came upon these cool hooks for crown molding and that started the ball rolling. Yeah!
The living room. My favorite thing in the apt. are the bay windows. So big and the light is incredible. We also had the same problem with the walls in this room, it finally feels complete.
We live on the 4th floor and only one of four apts. that have the dome window on top.
I love, love, love the sliding french doors that lead into the bedroom. Baby Starr gets neurotic when the doors are shut. Her allegiance is tested...with Bill in he bedroom and me in the Living room. What to do?
The Bedroom. It's a great space. We have the same bay windows here so lots of fresh air and pure light.
The Vanity. This is my organized chaos or hot mess, same thing. I bought the all male review (3 Ken dolls) at the Canton flea market in Texas when my mom and Sister came to visit. I think it was the suffocating heat! Bill said nothing. Hmmmmm?

Baby Starr's own personal playground...she thinks.
Antlers I got at the Canton flea market while in Texas. Tiffany bags from Bill. 
The Kitchen. No dishwasher, disposal, WD, cabinet space, need I say more. Maybe thats why I'm mad at it, I should give it more love.
I wish it could be this clean all the time. Usually the sink is full of dishes. One time I had a dream that Baby Starr was standig on the chair with an apron on doing the dishes. She's an amazing cat!

Beyond tenny tiny. I never in a million dreamed we could survive in such a small space.

A small spot to sew. I pretend like I know what I'm doing.

Found this picture of Shirley Temple at Goodwill, couldn't resist.
William's cowboy boots. These make me smile and bring back sweet memories of super heros / villains, cowboys / indians and  lots of Disney from  Peterpan to TMNT. Being an only child he played every part.
No excuse for being late. Yea right! One of Bill's "10" things I hate about you.
I love this urn. My sister-in-law gave it to me. I stuck these spikes in it that were just sitting on bottom of the closet...Kid friendly too! Just kidding.
I keep this bowling pen by the front door, just in case I need to clobber an intruder. Let's hear it for husband's like Bill who let us keep sometimes weird things around and don't even ask why? I love that man!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, I love!
    I was seriously laughing out loud at your captions. The place looks fab. So excited you entered it!
